Summer Social: dancing restarted, and Scroll of Honour presented to Jim Healy
July 2021
Summer Social, 17th July 2021
Saturday 17th July, (two days before “Freedom Day” and one of the hottest days of the year).
Richmond Branch had optimistically organised a Garden Party in the delightful village of Reeth in Upper Swaledale. It turned out to be a perfect day for such an event.
Held in the Chairman’s beautiful garden, a fortunate 30 dancers from North Yorkshire and beyond arrived equipped with chairs, picnic, dancing shoes and hand sanitizer ready to book a shady spot under the trees. (There was a waiting list of hopefuls who had applied too late.)
The programme had been carefully chosen to take account of social distancing and minimal contact so formations such as corners and grand chain were out. Dancing round partners as an alternative to turns was encouraged. Being on grass and with no dancing for many months, the dances chosen were familiar and simple. The excitement mounted and the chatter increased as we all relaxed and enjoyed conversations with friends last seen so long ago. We were encouraged to enjoy the garden and the surrounding scenery and also to test our memories with a quiz - no digital input allowed!
A highlight of the afternoon was the presentation of the Society’s Scroll of Honour to Jim Healy, a member of Perth Branch, and also a Richmond Branch member. Many branches will remember Jim as Society Chairman, but especially as he encouraged and involved branches around the world to choose and test dances for publication in recent books. He was also instrumental in standardising the terminology used in recent books. Owing to the online AGM last year he had requested that he should receive his Scroll at a branch event. Richmond Branch President, Fiona Turnbull, born in Perth, performed the presentation.
Judging by the many compliments received, this event was thoroughly enjoyed by all the lucky attendees and hopefully heralds a return to the dance floor this Autumn.
~ Fiona Turnbull
First published in the RSCDS Scottish Country Dancer magazine.