Countryfile Live
at Castle Howard
August 2019
Countryfile Live event at Castle Howard, 18th August 2019
Countryfile Live presented a large show at Castle Howard from 15th - 18th August 2019. Richmond Branch was invited to join Leeds Branch to give displays of Scottish Country Dancing on the Saturday and Sunday. A set of eight of us travelled early to Castle Howard, on a beautiful sunny Sunday, and gave two displays in the afternoon on the Village Green, alongside the Leeds Branch set, dancing to Alan Harrison's pipes and conventional CD music. We were in the company of other traditional country activities such as Maypole Dancing, Morris Dancing and an excellent local brass band. There was a large and appreciative audience, who were very willing to join in with the dances arranged for them, in a variety of footwear including a few wellies! The day before had been very muddy and some had come prepared for the worst! Everyone had a most enjoyable day and look forward to next year, when we may return.
~ Jan Robinson